Wednesday 1 September 2010

Want me to forrow you?

Reave a comment berow and i'rr forrow the shit out of you.

Hurr, I'm a durr.

A small, if not nonexistent Government, would benefit the UK immensely. That’s my point, and now I’m going to substantiate it.
To begin with, let’s look at a couple of major points of contention: the Monarchy, and devolution.
With a massively reduced Government, there would no longer be any need for a Monarchy. Logically, it would be abolished – there’s no need to keep the Monarchy in government when the government isn’t doing a whole lot. Their role of heading the armed forces, and such like would be abolished and control handed to the people.
The clamor regarding independence of Scotland, Wales, and so forth would end as the Westminster government reduced to such a size as to have no real effect on those two regions.
Now, onto things that the Government currently renders as “services” which you have to pay for whether or not you use them.
I reluctantly refer to this as a service, because it is frankly nothing more than legalised thievery (which is still unlawful). With a massively reduced government, taxation would not be necessary and the reasons for that will become clear as I detail the rest of these points. Remember, as I discuss the following “services”, that they are paid for by money that is STOLEN from you.
The cost of running Parliament is £500m:
With a government that extends little to no influence over the populace, there’s really no reason for a group of six hundred and forty six morons to sit in a rather large, fancy room issuing diktat to everyone else. What’s more, at the moment, the populace pay for this “service”. You pay for their cushy salaries, their ludicrous expense claims, their paper, the lights for the Palace of Westminster – pretty much their entire lives. Why should you?
The “road tax” that the DVLA harp on about doesn’t even go to the roads. That’s a fact. The roads, as of 2010, are in a worse state than they’ve ever been, regardless of your tax bills rising every year. People try to blame this on the winter, but it’s really Local Government’s fault for botching their repairs year-on-year.
If I were running roads, as a private company, this is how I would go for it. Charge a low rate for frequently used roads, and a higher rate for roads that people rarely use. It’s similar in concept to a road tax, except that you only pay for the roads that you use, and the funding goes straight to maintaining the roads, instead of getting lost in a web of crap along the way. Additionally, when you have companies competing against each other, they will damn well make sure that their roads are good quality and good value, else you’re just not going to pay them, are you?
It doesn’t matter. Abolish the “Equal Opportunities” crap and let people be judged on their abilities. People have grown up, they don’t need to be given quotas of races to employ. If a black guy isn’t qualified as well as the white guy, don’t employ the black guy. If a woman is more qualified than a man, employ her. If a white guy is more qualified than a black guy, an asian, and a goddamn alien, employ him.
Beer / Petrol / Cigarettes
The only reason there is such a punitive tax on these items is that Government thinks it’s your mother and can tell you what’s good or bad for you. With no tax, these products will be immensely cheap.
War in Afghanistan / War on Terror / Army
As these wars are politically motivated and funded, the ending of the political establishment would in turn end these wars. The Army should be repurposed into a force solely for defending the people. I would assume, to defend their way of life, that people would probably contribute to maintaining the Army. Things like aircraft carriers and nukes, that we don’t really need if we’re only defending ourselves, could be sold to raise funds.
As terrorism is an immediate result of exercising a bellicose foreign policy and allying ourselves with those that do, immediately ceasing these activities should, in theory, cause terrorism to be a non-issue for us.
Fraud laws would continue to be enforced by what remains of Government and under Common Law. A small, public, police force could be maintained based on voluntary donation. People would be allowed to own any weapons they like (but not allowed to use them unlawfully).
The knowledge that probably everyone is packing heat would bring crime down considerably, in my eyes.
As well as this, an armed populace is great for national defence. Private police and fire services would be hirable to protect your house. If they didn’t do a good job of protecting you, you tell them to get shafted and go hire someone else.
All trials would take place in a court de jure with a jury of twelve good men/women. Magistrate’s courts would be abolished.
An end to government-run education! Teachers no longer bound by inane regulations and the end to a government-mandated “curriculum”. You choose where to send your child. Local schools could be funded by a kitty of parents and charitable people chipping in. You can join any school you wish by joining in and paying into their kitty. With less regulation, the cost of schooling would be invariably cheaper and the education itself would be more substantial. Rather than paying for EVERY school in the country, you pay for the school that your child uses.
And now, for the most contentious points of the lot:
The NHS should be abolished. It does not work. A free market healthcare system would be better in a plethora of ways.
The healthcare system, as I would posit it, would be made up of individual doctors charging for their services.
All regulation of the healthcare industry would end and be replaced with fraud laws.
This means that if you want to become a cataract doctor, you study only things that are relevant to becoming a cataract doctor, and you go into practice as such. This could cut your student loan massively and bring your prices down.
If you want to be a family doctor, you are likely to only have to deal with the odd cough or cold. You do not need a huge education to do this.
If you were found to be acting outside your abilities, you would be directly liable in court to those that you deceived under fraud law.
For those that are genuinely too poor to afford expensive medical care or insurance to cover them for medical care, my suggestion is this. Trainees would offer medical care for free. Note that I am not suggesting that first-year students go around poking into people’s stomachs. Trainees sit in on and assist with paid operations until such time as their mentor thinks they are ready to perform an operation themselves. At this point, someone who otherwise could not afford medical care has the chance to have this operation for free. They would sign a waiver noting that it would be a trainee operating and that a fully qualified doctor would be there at all times if anything went wrong.
As well as that, doctors (before the advent of stupid regulations) would often offer their services charitably – there’s nothing to stop them doing that under this system.
Welfare would ultimately be phased out at a government level.
There are four groups of people on welfare:
People in genuine hardship due to their conditions/abilities etc.
People in temporary hardship due to economic conditions.
People in hardship due to lacking skills to support themselves.
For economic conditions, the solution is to fix the economy.
For skills, the solution is to provide them with skills.
For genuine hardship, something may need to be done.
Twats can fuck off.
Charities could be set up to help people develop some skill to get to work. The internet is also a great source of skills and the ideals of learning for yourself need to be given some credence.
For those in genuine hardship, charities are definitely an option. However, companies could easily work at bringing in some way to involve these people in the working world – i.e. working from home, etc.
With a government as small as has been detailed, do you really need to have democracy?
The saying goes “no taxation without representation” – if you’re not being taxed, it doesn’t really matter – does it?
The easiest way to fix the economy is to cancel all fraudulent debts (i.e. credit cards, overdrafts, etc) and to outlaw fractional reserve banking, because it is fraud, and then to return to a commodity money system. Eliminating tax increases productivity and gives people more money in their pocket with which to better themselves, contribute to charities as they see fit, etc.
And for the pointless points:
Bullshitting around over carbon means nothing. Polluters should be brought before a jury by any and all people that they impact.
The EU
Would soon expel us if we didn’t pay them anymore.
No draconian government, no CCTV all over the place.
Culture, Media and Sport
If it’s any good, it doesn’t need Government help to be good. The BBC should no longer be permitted to extort money just because people have televisions. It would run as a business, just like every other broadcaster.
International Development
Is a fucking joke. Totally unnecessary. The money never makes a difference to the lives of those people anyway.
Totally okay to own and use.
Trains and buses are run by private businesses. They have a need to be competitive, else they die. No tax on fuel means that their costs plummet, so ultimately, the consumer wins in the form of lower prices.
And back to the beginning:
With tax abolished, people would earn more, get more with their money and all of these reforms would be made possible as people would be able to pay for these services as they use them out of their own pockets. It’s pretty simple, really.
If there’s anything that I haven’t made clear, you don’t understand, or would like to contest, please leave a comment and we’ll see what we can do!